

科研圈 科研圈 2019-11-23

当地时间 9 月 12 日,第 29 个第一届搞笑诺贝尔奖(Ig Nobel Prize)颁奖典礼在哈佛大学举行。搞笑诺奖表彰那些令人先大笑、后思考的研究,奖金高达 10 万亿津巴布韦币(请自行换算)。重要的是,这些都是真的研究——其中一篇研究意大利披萨能防癌的论文,发在了影响因子 7.36 的学术期刊上;另一个研究男性左右蛋蛋温度差异的团队,用这个数据发了 5 分的论文......


整理  戚译引 魏潇



三位真·诺奖得主参加了活动,他们是 1993 年生理学和医学奖得主 Rich Roberts、2007 年经济学奖得主 Eric Maskin 和 1990 年物理学奖得主 Jerome Friedman。

以下是今年搞笑诺奖颁发的 10 个奖项。



穿着披萨图案 T 恤的获奖人(你们应该知道是哪位...)

意大利研究者 Silvano Gallus 在自己的祖国调查了披萨消费量和癌症发病的关系。他的第一项研究发现,对于发生在口腔、咽喉、食道、结肠或直肠的消化系统癌症,常吃披萨的消费者发病率更低;第二项研究发现,对于与性激素相关的癌症(乳腺癌、卵巢癌和前列腺癌),食用披萨与发病风险无关。第二项研究反驳了北美同行的结论,也许是北美国家吃的披萨不对。

【标题】Does pizza protect against cancer?

【期刊】International Journal of Cancer (IF=7.360)

【作者】Gallus S, Bosetti C, Negri E, Talamini R, Montella M, Conti E, Franceschi S, La Vecchia C.

【时间】2003 年 11 月 1 日



【摘要】We analyzed the potential role of pizza on cancer risk, using data from an integrated network of case-control studies conducted in Italy between 1991 and 2000. Cancer sites were: oral cavity and pharynx (598 cases), esophagus (304 cases), larynx (460 cases), colon (1,225 cases) and rectum (728 cases). Controls were 4,999 patients admitted for acute, non-neoplastic conditions to the same hospital network as cases. Odds ratios for regular pizza consumers were 0.66 (95% confidence interval, CI = 0.47-0.93) for oral and pharyngeal cancer, 0.41 (95% CI = 0.25-0.69) for oesophageal, 0.82 (95% CI = 0.56-1.19) for laryngeal, 0.74 (95% CI = 0.61-0.89) for colon and 0.93 (95% CI = 0.75-1.17) for rectal cancer. Pizza appears therefore to be a favorable indicator of risk for digestive tract neoplasms in this population.

【标题】Pizza consumption and the risk of breast, ovarian and prostate cancer

【期刊】European Journal of Cancer Prevention (IF=3.3031)

【作者】Gallus S, Talamini R, Bosetti C, Negri E, Montella M, Franceschi S, Giacosa A, La Vecchia C.




【摘要】Pizza has been favourably related to the risk of prostate cancer in North America. Scanty information, however, is available on sex hormone-related cancer sites. We therefore studied the role of pizza consumption on the risk of breast, ovarian and prostate cancers using data from three hospital-based case-control studies conducted in Italy between 1991 and 2002. These included 2569 women with breast cancer, 1031 with ovarian cancer, 1294 men with prostate cancer, and a total of 4864 controls. Compared with non-pizza eaters, the multivariate odds ratios for eaters were 0.97 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.86-1.10) for breast, 1.06 (95% CI 0.89-1.26) for ovarian and 1.04 (95% CI 0.88-1.23) for prostate cancer. Corresponding estimates for regular eaters (i.e. > or =1 portion per week) were 0.92 (95% CI 0.78-1.08), 1.00 (95% CI 0.80-1.25) and 1.12 (95% CI 0.88-1.43), respectively. Our results do not show a relevant role of pizza on the risk of sex hormone-related cancers. The difference with selected studies from North America suggests that dietary and lifestyle correlates of pizza eating vary between different populations and social groups.



美国研究者 Karen Pryor 和 Theresa McKeon 对一群研究生一年级和二年级的医学生进行实验,发现借助响片进行强化训练的学生在整形外科手术中的表现更好,超过了按传统方式学习(仅观看手术演示)的学生。



【标题】Is teaching simple surgical skills using an operant learning program more effective than teaching by demonstration?

【期刊】Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (IF=4.091)

【作者】I. Martin Levy, Karen W. Pryor, and Theresa R. McKeon

【时间】2016 年 4 月





A surgical procedure is a complex behavior that can be constructed from foundation or component behaviors. Both the component and the composite behaviors built from them are much more likely to recur if it they are reinforced (operant learning). Behaviors in humans have been successfully reinforced using the acoustic stimulus from a mechanical clicker, where the clicker serves as a conditioned reinforcer that communicates in a way that is language- and judgment-free; however, to our knowledge, the use of operant-learning principles has not been formally evaluated for acquisition of surgical skills.


Two surgical tasks were taught and compared using two teaching strategies: (1) an operant learning methodology using a conditioned, acoustic reinforcer (a clicker) for positive reinforcement; and (2) a more classical approach using demonstration alone. Our goal was to determine whether a group that is taught a surgical skill using an operant learning procedure would more precisely perform that skill than a group that is taught by demonstration alone.


Two specific behaviors, “tying the locking, sliding knot” and “making a low-angle drill hole,” were taught to the 2014 Postgraduate Year (PGY)-1 class and first- and second-year medical students, using an operant learning procedure incorporating precise scripts along with acoustic feedback. The control groups, composed of PGY-1 and -2 nonorthopaedic surgical residents and first- and second-year medical students, were taught using demonstration alone. The precision and speed of each behavior was recorded for each individual by a single experienced surgeon, skilled in operant learning. The groups were then compared.


The operant learning group achieved better precision tying the locking, sliding knot than did the control group. Twelve of the 12 test group learners tied the knot and precisely performed all six component steps, whereas>For the low-angle drill hole test, the test group more consistently achieved the ideal six-step behavior for precisely drilling the low-angle hole compared with the control group (p = 0.006 for the median number of technique success comparison with an odds ratio [at the 95% confidence interval] of 82.3 [29.1–232.8]). The mean time to drill 10 low-angle holes was not different between the test group (mean 193 seconds ± SD = 26 [range, 153–222 seconds]) and the control group (mean 146 seconds ± SD = 63 [range, 114–294 seconds]) (p = 0.084).


Operant learning occurs as the behavior is constructed and is highly reinforced with the result measured, not in the time saved, but in the ultimate outcome of an accurately built complex behavior.

Level of Evidence

Level II, therapeutic study.









【标题】In-vivo biomagnetic characterisation of the American cockroach

【作者】Lin-Jun Kong, Herbert Crepaz, Agnieszka Gorecka, Aleksandra Urbanek, Rainer Dumke, and Tomasz Paterek

【期刊】Scientific Reports (IF=4.525)

【时间】2018 年 3 月 23 日



【摘要】We present a quantitative method, utilising a highly sensitive quantum sensor, that extends applicability of magnetorelaxometry to biological samples at physiological temperature. The observed magnetic fields allow for non-invasive determination of physical properties of magnetic materials and their surrounding environment inside the specimen. The method is applied to American cockroaches and reveals magnetic deposits with strikingly different behaviour in alive and dead insects. We discuss consequences of this finding to cockroach magneto-reception. To our knowledge, this work represents the first characterisation of the magnetisation dynamics in live insects and helps to connect results from behavioural experiments on insects in magnetic fields with characterisation of magnetic materials in their corpses.



两名法国研究者 Roger Mieusset 和 Bourras Bengoudifa 用传感器记录了一群普通男人(?)、邮局职员和巴士司机活动时的阴囊两侧温度,为了严谨起见,他们还设计了裸体对照组(由普通男人在实验室进行)。



【标题】Thermal asymmetry of the human scrotum

【作者】Bengoudifa B, Mieusset R.

【期刊】Human Reproduction (IF=5.020)




【摘要】BACKGROUND: Scrotal temperatures in men have been reported to be either similar on both sides or higher on the left than the right scrotum. We aimed to clarify this discrepancy from new data.

METHODS: Retrospective analyses of scrotal temperatures in men aged 20-52 years measured every 2 min with probes connected to a data collector in three experiments. In Experiment I, eight men have been submitted to four successive body positions for 15 min each, first naked then clothed. Experiment II involved 11 postal employees working in a standing position for 90 min continuously. Experiment III involved 11 bus drivers and a 90 min period of continuous driving. Outcome parameters were left and right scrotal temperatures.

RESULTS: In Experiment I, mean values and kinetics of scrotal temperature differed significantly in the naked and clothed state. In all three experiments, left scrotal temperature in the clothed state was higher than right scrotal temperature in terms of mean values and temperature kinetics.

CONCLUSIONS: Lack of thermal symmetry was seen in the right and left scrotum, whether naked or clothed, and this applied regardless of position or activity when clothed. This thermal difference between right and left scrotum could contribute to the asymmetry in the male external genital organs.


评估一个普通 5 岁儿童一天的唾液分泌量

一群日本研究者测量了 5 岁儿童一天中睡眠、进食和活动的时间,以及不同活动时的唾液分泌速率。他们发现,一个普通 5 岁儿童一天分泌的唾液约为 500 毫升,和一瓶矿泉水差不多。



【标题】Estimation of the total saliva volume produced per day in five-year old children

【作者】Watanabe S, Ohnishi M, Imai K, Kawano E, Igarashi S.

【期刊】Archives of Oral Biology (IF=1.549)

【时间】1995 年 8 月



【摘要】Fifteen boys and 15 girls were asked to record for 2 days the time spent awake, eating meals or snacks, and sleeping. The salivary flow rates elicited by chewing foods were also determined. The mean flow rate (+/- SD) of unstimulated saliva was 0.26 +/- 0.16 ml/min and that of saliva while chewing six different foods was 3.6 +/- 0.8 ml/min. The mean times spent eating, and awake but not eating, were 80.8 +/- 27.3 and 820 +/- 59 min, respectively, and the volumes of saliva produced during those periods would average about 288 and 208 ml, respectively. If the flow rate is virtually zero during sleep, the estimated total salivary volume produced per day is calculated to be about 500 ml.



给婴儿换尿布绝对不是一项令人愉快的工作,而伊朗工程师 Iman Farahbakhsh 想要解决这个难题。他发明了一台机器,把婴儿放进去,固定在座位上,机器就能完成去除尿布和清洁屁股的工作。


【专利名称】Infant washer and diaper-changer apparatus and method

【发明人】Iman Farahbakhsh



【简介】A washer and diaper-changing apparatus includes a main chamber, a glass window, a seat, a leg holder, a safety belt, a diaper removing arm, a sprinkler, and a dryer. The main chamber is configured to receive an infant therein. The glass window is placed on a top wall of the main chamber. The seat is movably coupled to the main chamber and configured for placement of the infant on the seat. The leg holder is movably coupled to the main chamber and configured to support at least one leg of the infant. The safety belt is coupled to the seat and configured to retain the infant on the seat. The sprinkler is placed inside the main chamber and configured to spray water to wash at least a portion of the infant.



这项研究分析了 7 种纸币上金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌和耐万古霉素肠球菌等致病菌的分布状况,和细菌通过纸币传播的容易程度。研究发现,罗马尼亚列伊(Leu)是最脏的纸币,美元也不太干净,欧元相对比较干净。研究作者们建议改进纸币的材质,以减少细菌的传播。

论文共同作者、Timothy A.Voss 和 Andreas Voss 父子穿着一身闪耀着金钱光芒的西装出席了颁奖典礼。


【标题】Money and transmission of bacteria

【作者】Habip Gedik, Timothy A Voss & Andreas Voss

【期刊】Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control

【时间】2013 年 8 月 28 日



【摘要】Money is one of the most frequently passed items in the world. The aim of this study was to ascertain the survival status of bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Vancomycin- Resistant Enterococci (VRE) on banknotes from different countries and the transmission of bacteria to people who come in contact with the banknotes. The survival rate was highest for the Romanian Leu yielding all three microorganisms used after both three and six hours of drying. Furthermore, the Leu was the only banknote to yield VRE after one day of drying. Other currencies either enabled the survival of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBL) and VRE (e.g. Euro), but not of MRSA, or the other way round (e.g. US Dollar). While a variety of factors such as community hygiene levels, people’s behaviour, and antimicrobial resistance rates at community level obviously have influence on the transmission of resistant microorganisms, the type of banknote-paper may be an additional variable to consider.





【标题】The Pleasurability of Scratching an Itch: A Psychophysical and Topographical Assessment

【作者】G.A. bin Saif, A.D.P. Papoiu, L. Banari, F. McGlone, S.G. Kwatra, Y.-H. Chan, and G. Yosipovitch

【期刊】British Journal of Dermatology (IF=6.129)

【时间】2013 年 5 月 1 日





Scratching an itch is perceived as being pleasurable. However, an analysis of topographical variations in itch intensity, the effectiveness of scratching to provide itch relief and the associated pleasurability has not been performed at different body sites.


To examine the role of scratching pleasurability in providing itch relief by investigating whether itch intensity is perceived differently at 3 different sites and to assess a potential correlation between the pleasurability and itch attenuation induced by scratching.


Itch was induced on the forearm, ankle and back using cowhage spicules in eighteen healthy subjects. These sites were subsequently scratched by an investigator with a cytology brush immediately following itch induction. The intensity of itch with and without scratching at these sites and the pleasurability of scratching were recorded by taking VAS ratings at 30 seconds intervals.


Average itch intensity and scratching pleasurability ratings at the ankle and back were significantly higher than on the forearm. For the forearm and ankle, the higher the itch while scratching, the higher was the pleasurability. A higher baseline itch was linked to a higher itch reduction secondary to scratching in all tested areas. Pleasurability paralleled the curve of itch reduction for the back and forearm, however scratching pleasurability at the ankle remained elevated and only slightly decreased while itch was diminishing.


There are topographical differences in itch intensity, the effectiveness of scratching in relieving itch and the associated pleasurability. Experimental itch induced by cowhage was more intensely perceived at the ankle, while scratching attenuated itch most effectively on the back.



1988 年,德国学者 Fritz Strack 和同事们通过实验检验了面部反馈假说(facial feedback hypothesis),即面部表情能否诱导人们产生相应的情绪。他们发现,嘴里叼着一支铅笔能使人不得不做出微笑的表情,进而感到更加快乐。

这项研究在大众文化中产生了巨大的影响力。然而随着心理学可重复危机的爆发,2013 年,Strack 自愿加入注册重复报告项目(Registered Replication Report project),亲自检验并推翻了自己当年的研究。


【标题】From data to truth in psychological science. A personal perspective.

【作者】Fritz Strack

【期刊】Frontiers in Psychology (IF=2.129)

【日期】2017 年 5 月 16 日



【摘要】A Failure to Replicate

Over 30 years ago, Leonard Martin, Sabine Stepper, and I (Strack et al., 1988) conducted two studies to test the “facial feedback” hypothesis (Darwin, 1872). At the time, the hypothesis itself, namely that facial expressions may affect emotional experiences, was well established and frequently tested (e.g., Leventhal and Mace, 1970; Laird, 1974). However, the underlying mechanism remained largely unexplored. On the one hand, the feedback could have been mediated by an inference from the emotional meaning of the expression to the underlying emotional state. On the other hand it could have been a more direct mechanism that does not involve any inferences. To resolve this ambiguity, we attempted to eliminate the inferential route by preventing participants from interpreting their facial action as “a smile.” This was accomplished by having participants holding a pen either between their protruded lips, which prevents smiling, or between their teeth, which facilitates it. Holding the pen in either of these positions, participants had to perform a series of tasks, among them a rating of the funniness of cartoons. As predicted, the cartoons were rated to be funnier if the pen was held between the teeth than between the lips. The effect was not strong but met the standard criteria of significance.





研究作者们解剖了澳大利亚当地死于交通事故的袋熊,发现粪便在它们的肠道中从液体变成固体,形成边长约 2 厘米的立方体形状,这是由于肠道内壁各处弹性不均一造成的。他们还将袋熊肠道排空,然后塞进一个长条形气球并充气,发现局部应变(local strain)在方块顶点和棱的位置体现出差异。

贴心的获奖团队用 cosplay 的形式为我们展示了他们的研究

【标题】For studying how and why, wombats make cube-shaped poo

【作者】Patricia J Yang, Miles Chan, Scott Carver, David L Hu

【会议名称】71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics

【会议时间】2018 年 11 月 18 日


【摘要】Wombats are fossorial herbivorous Australian marsupials with the distinctive feature of producing cubic feces, which is unique in the animal kingdom. In the built world, cubic structures are created by extrusion or injection molding, but there are few examples of this feat in nature. We investigate how wombats produce cubic feces, through investigation of the structure and mechanics of two dissected alimentary systems of wombats--derived from veterinary euthanized individuals following motor vehicle collisions in Tasmania, Australia. In the final 8 percent of the intestine, feces changed from a liquid-like state into a solid state composed of separated cubes of length 2 cm. This shape change was due to the azimuthally varying elastic properties of the intestinal wall. By emptying the intestine and inflating it with a long balloon, we found that the local strain varies from 20 percent at the cube's corners to 75 percent at its edges. Thus, the intestine stretches preferentially at the walls to facilitate cube formation. This study addresses the long-standing mystery of cubic scat formation and provides insight into new manufacturing techniques for non-axisymmetric structures using soft tissues.



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